In times of growing uncertainty, we focus on making people understand complexity better and recognize it as an opportunity. We use our communication expertise to tell accessible and tangible stories and to open creative spaces for design and development. For companies, employees and people.
\ the expertise to adapt complexity into emotional storytelling
\ the passion to translate information into action
\ the ability to inspire permanent learning
Perfect understanding of situations, contexts and needs is our passion and the guarantee for success. We use research, interviews and need finding workshops. For more deep dives we collaborate with a Partner that is the master of storylistening.
The closer to market, the better the effect. We love and are experienced to involve parts of the target groups already in the concept development.
We work with proven methods like DesignThinking, human centered design, cognitive sciences, agile coaching, octalysis, storytelling, agenda setting …
Communication is a core competence to master change. To unleash this potential, it’s an integrated part of our work to enable all the responsible persons to drive and lead communication. We offer trainings, train the trainer concepts, workshops to use and interact with AI in a communicational use.
Qualitative & quantitative analytics are important to control impact but also to lead and drive communication in dynamic situations. Therefore, we integrate KPIs and organize/lead editorial conferences.